Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update - Ohio Employee Ownership Center

2025 Conference Registration

Pre-Conference, Wednesday April 9th, 2025

To register for any pre-conference Roundtables or the Opening Night Reception:

Click Here to fill out the Pre-Conference Registration Form

and email it to


Every year the OEOC runs pre-conference events including:

CEO and CFO Roundtables

Join your peers for a frank and open-ended discussion on the issues affecting your employee-owned company. Attendance is limited to members from employee-owned companies.

Registration includes tickets to the reception.

HR Roundtable

Join your peers to discuss HR and communication challenges and exchange ideas within an "open forum" structure as we move through uncertain times. Attendance is limited to members of employee-owned companies.

Registration includes tickets to the reception


Full Conference, Thursday April 10th, 2025

Hotel Rooms

Discounted rooms are available at the Akron Fairlawn Hilton, where the Annual Conference will take place.

1 King Bed Deluxe Room - $159.00

By Phone: To Book your room by calling 330-867-5000 and stating you are booking under the Ohio Employee Ownership Center Room Block.

Online: Click here to book your room

Individual Registration Rates

Individual rates provide day of Annual Conference access only.

Network members enjoy generous discounts on all OEOC programs and events. Become a Network member today!

To find out if you are an OEOC Professional Member or Ohio Employee Owned Network Member please contact Kelley Fitts at

You can register and pay online by selecting from the options below.

If have other registration related questions please contact Kelley Fitts at:

Early Bird Rates*
$150 per attendee
$200 per attendee
$250 per attendee
Regular Rates
$175 per attendee
$225 per attendee
$300 per attendee
At the Door Rates
$200 per attendee
$250 per attendee
$325 per attendee
* Early bird rates end Friday, March 14th, 2025

Group Registration Rates

Bring a group from your organization and enjoy the savings. Group rates are only available to groups of 5 or more registrants and do not include day of Annual Conference access only.

Network members enjoy generous discounts on all OEOC programs and events. Become a Network member today!

To find out if you are an OEOC Professional Member or Ohio Employee Owned Network Member please contact Kelley Fitts at

You can register and pay online by selecting from the options below.

If you would like to be invoiced or have other registration related questions please email

Early Bird
$115 per attendee
(for groups of 5 or more)
$175 per attendee
(for groups of 5 or more)
$225 per attendee
(for groups of 5 or more)

$150 per attendee
(for groups of 5 or more)
$200 per attendee
(for groups of 5 or more)
$250 per attendee
(for groups of 5 or more)
* Early bird rates end Friday, March 14th, 2025

Professional Member Conference Sponsors

The Annual Ohio Employee Ownership Conference is supported in part by our professional members. If you are an professional member and are interested in becoming a conference sponsor please email

If you want to become part of our network of professional members email

Ohio Employee Owned Network

The Ohio’s Employee-Owned Network’s mission is to provide a forum for employee-owned businesses and others to learn from each other how to make employee ownership work more effectively at your companies; and to address the unique challenges and potential of employee ownership.

Ohio’s Employee Owned Network members jointly-sponsor a year-round series of multi company educational programming. Members enjoy group rates and discounts on program registrations ongoing consultation with OEOC staffers, and  discounts on in-company education and training programs

Consider joining the Network!

Thank you to our sponsors

Platinum Level Sponsor
Platinum Level Sponsor
Gold Level Sponsor
Gold Level Sponsor
Silver Level Sponsor
Silver Level Sponsor
Silver Level Sponsor
Silver Level Sponsor
Silver Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsor
Network Members
(register here)
Professional members**
(register here)
General Audience
(register here)