35th Annual Ohio Employee Ownership Conference update

Rapid Response Resources

Hope all of you are staying as safe and healthy as possible as we all try to get our hands around this new normal.  We at the Ohio Employee Ownership Center want to continue to be a resource for you in the coming weeks and months. As such, we are putting together a series of timely webinars and other online programming; in addition, we are going to provide you links of other programs, regardless of source, that we think might be useful, and will be updating this page often.

Employee Owned Company Survey

The OEOC wants to understand how your company is dealing with the COVID-19. Take a quick survey so we can shape our programming to support your needs.

Take Survey Here

Ohio Employee Owned Network Webinars

In addition to our free Rapid Response online resources below, the OEOC is also continuing its online webinar program. These upcoming webinars are sponsored by Ohio' Employee Owned Network.

Member companies of Ohio's Employee Owned Network have free unlimited access to these webinars.  Cost for Non-members is $50 per person (you will be invoiced later). Learn more about Ohio's Employee-Owned Network here.

For details on upcoming webinars click here


Free "Rapid Response" Resources

The OEOC are providing these "Rapid Response" resources free of charge to any and all - our goal is to provide as much information as we can to as many employee-owned companies as we can to help the employee-owned community in this time of need. We are grateful for the support of our sponsors and the member companies of Ohio's Employee Owned Network for helping to make this possible.

Archived Webinars and Other Resources

OEOC Webinars

- Maintaining Your Ownership Culture and ESOP Communications in Difficult Times

Presenters: Jim Bado, Workplace Development; Chris Cooper, Ohio Employee Ownership Center - View Recorded Webinar

Follow-up Episode of the Owners At Work podcast on Culture and Crisis with Jim Bado and Cathy Ivancic


- Managing and Leading During a Crisis

Presenter: Jeff Evans, retired CEO, The Will-Burt Co.; Founder, Strategic Executive Partners - view recorded webinar

Jeff also recently recorded a segment on Leadership for our Owners At Work podcast


- What’s Going to Happen to Our Valuation? ESOP Valuations During Radical Change

Presenters: Peter Jones, Horizon Trust & Investment Management; Davin Gustafson, Apple Growth Partners - view recorded webinar


Partner Webinar

The OEOC partnered with employee-owned Oswald Companies (partnering Meyers, Roman, Friedberg & Lewis) on a special Q&A session on the impacts of COVID-19 (and ensuing legislation) on your company's benefits programs as well as day-to-day operations. If you missed the Q&A, you can access the recorded Q&A here, and if you want to view the recording of the original webinar, you can access that here.

Other Resource Pages

Small Business Administration

Like you, we’ve been scrambling to find good information on the SBA’s COVID-19 programs. Like with the COVIN-19 situation generally, the parameters of these programs are still in flux but the links below will provide a good starting point and description of the programs offered. Our friends at the local SBA offices in Ohio passed along this link to their COVID-19 resource page. Primarily featured is the low-interest Disaster Relief Loan Fund program.

Other Resources:

You can find your nearest SBA office here.

SBA Paycheck Protection Program

SBA Disaster Assistance Loan Information

List of current participating SBA lenders

Most Prolific SBA Lenders List


On April 8th Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Governor Jon Husted announced the creation of the Office of Small Business Relief within the Ohio Development Services Agency. The Office will coordinate state efforts to identify and provide direct support for Ohio’s nearly 950,000 small businesses.

The Office will initially focus on three key areas:

  • It will serve as the state’s designated agency for administrating federal recovery funds awarded to Ohio for small business support and recovery.
  • It will work with federal, state, and local partners to evaluate and determine possible regulatory reforms that encourage employment and job creation.
  • It will coordinate efforts of the Ohio Small Business Development Centers and Minority Business Assistance Centers at local levels.

The Ohio Department of Health has created a nice "Resources for Economic Support" page full of public resources for companies as they manage their workforce, and their business, through this process. It's a nice clearing house of resources. You can find that here.


National Center for Employee Ownership

The NCEO has a page on their website dedicated to resources for employee-owned businesses managing the crisis. Included on the page are links to three recorded webinars on issues employee-owned businesses need to be focusing on. They are also disseminating a survey for employee-owned companies asking what you are doing to get through the immediate, and long-term, impacts of the current moment - worth checking out.

2024 Sponsors

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