Season 2, Episode 10: Employee Ownership Updates- Taking Stock and Looking Forward

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In this episode we take stock of employee ownership developments in Ohio and discuss how covid has impacted businesses and employee-owned companies from a macroeconomic perspective. First, Mike Palmieri trades in his co-host hat and becomes a guest as he discusses two new reports published by the OEOC - Building Legacies and the Ohio Top 50 ESOP Companies. In the second segment we sit down with past OAW guests Eric Flickinger and Matthew Silla of Apple Growth partners to revisit our pre-covid 2020 discussion and dig into supply chain issues, inflation, how these and other trends are affecting employee-owned companies, and much more.

Guest Bios

Eric Flickinger

Apple Growth Partners

Eric Flickinger is a Manager of business valuations at Apple Growth Partners where he focuses on Employee Stock Ownership Plans, Business Valuation and Succession Planning. He holds a Bachelor of Science, Accounting & Finance from the The University of Akron

Matthew Silla is a Senior Manager of business valuations at Apple Growth Partners where he focuses on Business Valuation, Employee Stock Ownership Plans and Fair Value for Financing Reporting. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a Master of

After relocating from New Jersey to Ohio, Michael started working at the OEOC in 2019. Currently, he is a PhD candidate at Kent State's Political Science Department where he studies American Politics and Public Policy and is currently working on his dissertation tentatively titled, "The Politics of Employee Ownership: Organizational & Individual level dynamics". At the OEOC he helps conduct research that overlaps with his graduate work which focuses on the ways employee-ownership can be used as a local economic development strategy to create individual and community wealth and lessen economic and political inequality. Lately this includes producing estimates of the economic impact of baby-boomer retirements on local communities, as well as the role networks of nonprofits play in helping develop employee-owned businesses


OEOC's Employee-Owned Network: This episode of Owners at Work is brought to you by our Employee-Owned Network, a member directed network of nearly 80 employee owned companies that engage, network and learn with and from each other. Joining the Network pays dividends. Not a Network Member? Learn about the benefits of joining.

About the Podcast

The Owners at Work Podcast is a continuation of the biannual Owners at Work Newsletter which ran for 19 years (1990-2019). We are hoping to continue the same conversations and focus on providing updates on everything employee ownership. We plan to interview practitioners with expertise in different facets of employee ownership, academics doing new and interesting research, and most importantly, individuals who have a personal experience with employee ownership, including current and former employee-owners, mid-level to C suite management, and selling owners.

We Want to talk to YOU!

We want to produce a show that engages with relevant questions and provides practical lessons and information. We want this podcast to include the voices of those who practice employee-ownership each and every day. To that end we want to hear from you! We want to highlight what you are doing, whether you are an employee-owned company, a practitioner, or researcher.

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